Bardolino Production Reinstatement
The Bardolino field has been shut in since 2015 due to excessive hydraulic fluid usage in the high pressure controls system which prevents the subsurface safety valve from opening to provide a flowpath to surface. Since assuming license operatorship in 2022 Bridge Petroleum has matured plans for subsea interventions to restore subsurface safety valve operation and remediate an emerging issue with the insulation resistance of the subsea power distribution system which is not uncommon in older subsea infrastructure. As license operator Bridge has already conducted topsides and subsea diagnostics on the hydraulics and power systems to improve understanding of the issues in order to de-risk the subsea intervention workscope required to resume production from the Bardolino well. A dive scope will first be undertaken by a Dive Support Vessel (DSV) to perform further diagnostics on the subsea power network and upgrade the distribution system components. This will be followed by a Light Well Intervention Vessel (LWIV) programme on the well to install a straddle deployed subsurface safety valve to restore control over the flow path from the well. Bridge has pre-invested in all long lead equipment and currently working on commercial contracts to meet Bridge’s schedule for the work.